Ways to improve the look of your garden

Raise the crown level Removing the bottom branches of trees and shrubs improves tree shape , making them look "cleaner", and also promotes air circulation around the plant and allows other plants to be planted underneath. Branches that touch the ground or spoil the shape of the plant are removed or directed to grow in a different direction. Make sure your tools are sharp and leave a clean cut. Upper part of the ground Clean the top 5 cm of soil. Weeds, mosses and dead leaves should be removed. Then replace it with a layer of fresh compost or decorative mulch and then water the plants. If you come across any weed saplings or deeply rooted perennial weeds, use a thin spatula or garden knife to pull them out. Clean up the patio Use a patio weeding tool or even a pair of old, rusty pruning shears to clear moss and weeds from the tile spacing. After removing the debris, fill any gaps between the tiles with a mixture of three parts fine sand and one part cement and a little...