Why it is better to Get Windows Installed by Professionals

When purchasing modern plastic windows some owners refuse to professionally install them in the hope of wanting to save money and consider themselves capable of coping with this “seemingly simple” job. Ordinary people are provoked by the stories of neighbours or friends installing plastic windows with their own hands, guided by the instructions of "specialists" from the Internet, and educational videos on YouTube. However, most beginners get frustrated when they try to do the job on their own. Let us discuss whether the installation of modern windows is simple or difficult and whether it is worth attempting to install them yourself or hiring a professional window installer to do it for you.

Many people can independently carry out minor repairs in their apartment, believing that there is nothing particularly difficult in installing modern windows. You just need to dismantle the old structure, install a new window in its place, fix it in the opening with self-tapping screws, and then seal up the remaining space with polyurethane foam and close it with decorative slopes. On paper, this sounds simple. But there are a lot of nuances that need to be considered in the process of this work– it is on them that the result and the ability of products to fully carry out its functions depends.

What is the risk of improper installation of windows?


Before you independently undertake the installation of modern windows, you need to study the features of the room, find out what material the walls are made of, decide on the strength and configuration of the openings (which will help you choose the optimal work scheme and suitable technology).Small and inconspicuous details determine the method of fastening the structures, the type of materials used, as well as the sequence of actions and the correctness of their implementation. Professional window installers know that even identical windows can behave differently when installed, requiring an individual approach and attitude. Exceptions are made only for mass installation in newly built facilities - where minor flaws are eliminated by personal adjustment and additional work with each structure. The most common of them are:

·         The appearance of cracks and gaps through which heat will leave the room.

·         Freezing slopes due to leakage during installation.

·         Misting and ice formation in winter.

·         Poor performance and quick breakdown of the locking elements.

·         The occurrence of interference with the movement and closing of the shutters.

 Installation of windows - options and features of installation

Among the many questions that arise before installing a window, the first one that needs to be addressed is which installation method is the most optimal in a particular case? The question must be solved correctly because the result of the work depends on:

·      Mounting on anchor bolts - used to install large, massive windows, models with heavy armored glass units, etc.

·        Casement Window Fastener - most often used when installing structures in residential premises, as well as in buildings with loose, wooden and brick walls.

It is quite difficult to understand the intricacies and features of each method without practical experience and using theoretical instructions from the internet are unlikely to help in this case. It is impossible to determine from guides or videos the quality and strength of walls, and their ability to withstand a certain weight and load.

For that reason, it is not worth taking risks and doing work on your own – it is better to turn to a professional who guarantees the correct installation of windows in accordance with the accepted standards that are tested and proven by specialists.

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