
Showing posts from 2021

Materials for Soundproofing an Apartment

Materials for soundproofing an apartment are analy sed  in the article. The main methods of dealing with noise depend on the materials used for sound insulation - drywall, ecowool, ceiling panels, roll materials.  Materials for soundproofing an apartment     For every person, extraneous noise is a source of neuroses,  a dist raction ,  that  sometimes becomes a serious hindrance to life.   To restore peace, to make your stay in the room comfortable, it is recommended to  insta ll  noise isolation.     To do this, you need to  firstly  find the source of the noise,  and decide  how you can eliminate it.     Sometimes it is enough just to make soundproofing of the floor and ceiling, only in some cases it will    be necessary to ensure the protection of the entire apartment.     Methods and materials for noise insulation       Soundproofing with  a  plaste...

How to Prepare Your Home for Spring: Ways to Upgrade Your Home

The first step of home improvement ideas: Get rid of unnecessary items    The first step is to throw out all unnecessary things. A bunch of small decors and unnecessary souvenirs that litter the shelves; old unnecessary furniture: bulky sofas and sagging armchairs, extra bedside tables and dressers - all out of the house. Leave only the essentials as it will become easier to breathe at home this summer. The rest of the furniture can be rearranged to different places inside the house - the room will be perceived as a completely new place.       Giving life to old furniture       After you get rid of unnecessary furniture, we suggest putting everything that is left in order. Cabinet furniture can be repainted in a different  colour . Choose beautiful pastel shades like menthol or violet. Or you can make a chest of drawers, wardrobe, or curbstone a bright accent using paint in green, red, or blue, which is fashionable this season. Upholstered fu...

Ways to improve the look of your garden

Raise the crown level Removing the bottom branches of trees and shrubs improves tree shape , making them look "cleaner", and also promotes air circulation around the plant and allows other plants to be planted underneath. Branches that touch the ground or spoil the shape of the plant are removed or directed to grow in a different direction. Make sure your tools are sharp and leave a clean cut. Upper part of the ground Clean the top 5 cm of soil. Weeds, mosses and dead leaves should be removed. Then replace it with a layer of fresh compost or decorative mulch and then water the plants. If you come across any weed saplings or deeply rooted perennial weeds, use a thin spatula or garden knife to pull them out. Clean up the patio Use a patio weeding tool or even a pair of old, rusty pruning shears to clear moss and weeds from the tile spacing. After removing the debris, fill any gaps between the tiles with a mixture of three parts fine sand and one part cement and a little...

Tradesmen spotlight: Plumber

According to the  Wikipedia , a plumber is a qualified specialist who carries out the installation and dismantling of plumbing fixtures, their repairs and much more related to communications in residential and non-residential premises.   Advantages of a plumber   The advantages of  being a plumber include   many job opportunities ( especially for highly qualified and versatile specialists ),   high s alary (the average salary of a plumber in  the UK  today is about 3 0  thousand  pounds,  and this is not counting the financial "gratitude" of customers, the total amount of which can be several times higher than official salary ).  Among the working professions, it is the plumber that occupies a leading position  amongst tradesmen.    The demand for plumbers opens great  opportunities for specialists in this field to create their own company (team) for the installation and maintenance of heat, water, gas , ...